Monday, 5 December 2011

All On Board- Wednesday 7th Dec'

Science, drinks and snacks:
Date: 7 December
Time: 5pm
Venue: Small Cloud.

Amrita Bose (Dentistry) will give a talk entitled "Regulation of Keratin
15 Expression in Keratinocytes".

All postdocs and students are encouraged to come along and help think of tricks or cunning plans to solve their colleague's and their own science questions. And have a drink and get to know colleagues from across the SMD.

Research Degree Administration in the Blizard Institute.

Do you find this confusing; do you know what to do; do you know about your progression milestones; do you know what Vitae is?

Paul Allen will give an overview of research degree administration

Reception in Spikey afterwards organised by your research student representatives

Date: 7th December
Time 15:30hrs
Location: Clarke-Kennedy Lecture Theatre (in the Innovation Centre)

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Writing Retreat

Thinking Writing will be running a two day writing retreat for PhD students on 10 -11January 2012 at Dean Rees House, Charterhouse Square. The main aim of the retreat is to get away from everyday responsibilities and dedicate time to making substantial progress on a writing project (e.g. a thesis chapter) in a collegial and supportive atmosphere. The retreat costs £25 for both days, including lunch.

Direct telephone: 020 7882 8242

Journal Club- 1st of Dec 2011- Ryan Graves

Date: 1st of Dec (Thursday)
Venue: Large Cloud
Time: 4pm
Journal club will be about a brain machine interfaces. This is a series of papers from the lab of Miguel Nicolelis. Some really revolutionary science, where the brain of a monkey was probed with an array of electrodes. They were able to disseminate the monkey's thoughts, and drive a robotic arm or legs that was on the other side of the world.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Graduate Students Facebook Page

There is a * FACEBOOOK GROUP * called 'Barts & the London School of Medicine & Dentistry Graduate Students' where all event details are posted.

This is a closed group meaning that only members can see the page so please send a request via facebook to gain access.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

PhD comics - The Movie!

Queen Mary will be screening the PhD Comics Movie

Date and Time: Mon 14th November from 5:30pm (The film is slightly over an hour long)
Venue: Perrin Lecture Theatre, Whitechapel campus

Places at this event can be booked at - the event is listed as “PhD comics movie screening”.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Management Consulting

Have you ever considered a career in Management Consulting?
IMS Consulting Group is holding a reception and recruiting event for University of London students.

Date: Wednesday 9th November 2011

Time: 18:30 start

Venue: IMS Health, 7 Harewood Ave, Marylebone NW1 6JB London

Register and submit your CV through the link below:

Monday, 3 October 2011

Advice and Counselling Workshops

A series of workshops have been organized by the Advice and Counselling Services.
They are all listed on the following website:

Monday, 11 July 2011

Starting a new Enterprise - free skills opportunity for Ph.D students

There are a few places left on the workshop 'Jouney of an idea' to develop your enterprise/entrepreneurial skills.
Date- 21st July 2011
Time- 10:30-16:30
The final outcome of the day would be a new product, business plan, cash flow, marketing poster, patent specification and a model of the product.
If you wish to reserve a place on the course please contact Kevin Byron (
before the 19th of July.


The William Harvey Day this year is on the 19th of October 2011.
The Call for Abstarcts for the Poster session is now open and the closing date for submission is Friday the 26th of August 2011.
The Abstract Form and Instructions can be downloaded from:

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Café Scientifique

The last Cafe Scientifique of this academis year will be held on:
Date- 6th July
Time- 6 pm onwards
Venure- World arche Common Room, Mile End
This event is for PhD students and PostDocs from all disciplines!!

Friday, 1 July 2011

Naturejobs Career Expo - London 2011

September 22, 2011, The Business Design Centre, London, UK

Now in its fifth year, the Naturejobs Career Expo is the UK's largest career fair and conference for the scientific world. The Expo promotes the UK and Europe as great places to pursue a career in science, be it in industrial research, research organisations or academia. It presents the best opportunities from the best organisations: public, private, national and international.

Jobseekers can meet with potential employers offering hundreds of genuine vacancies. The conference plenary and workshop sessions will provide a unique opportunity to meet high profile scientists and gain careers information and advice.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Student Summer BBQ

Date: 21st July
Location: The Lawn, Charterhouse Square, EC1M 6BQ
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Come along for BBQ, Drinks and Summer Games!!

Cake Break!!

The Neuroimmunology Group will be holding a cake sale on the 20th of June for the MS Society. The cakes will be available in the Mushroom from 10-12 am and 2-4 pm.

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Please see this article <click here>

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Word: Long document preparation

Hi gang,
If anyone is due to write their thesis in the next year, I went on this course and found some parts really useful. I have a copy of the course content for anyone interested in taking a look before you book (through IT services website - see link on right)

This course covers the features of Word that facilitate the production of long documents. By the end of the course, attenders should have begun to develop the skills which will enable them to work effectively on long documents.

Course length 2 half days

Date, location, tutor:
Thu, 9 June 2011 + Thu, 16 June 2011,
Mile End
David Lexton

Sunday, 8 May 2011

PhD Students Afternoon Tea

Come along to Afternoon Tea to meet other PhD students and raise any issues with the current PhD system.
Free Tea and Cakes!!
Date : 13th May
Time : 16:00 - 18:00
Location : Room 2.06, Garrod Building, Whitechapel

Friday, 6 May 2011


Date : 12th May
Time : 16:00- 19:00
Location : Milton LT, Garrod Building, Whitechapel
Description : The speaker is coming from BIOMED CENTRAL PUBLISHERS
They publish a HUGE range of journals including dermatology, immunology, neuroscience, hematology etc.
FREE drinks and cakes after the talk and a chance to chat with the speaker.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Meeting with Centre Lead 9th May 2011 - 13h30 - 15h00

Any items for the agenda? Did you read the PhD papers from Nature? 

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

ESD Course: ANOVA and Statistical Models

The Learning Institute has organized a statistics course scheduled for the 2nd of February from 2-5 pm at the Francis Bancroft Buliding (Mile End). For more information and to book a place log onto :

Graduate Student Review

Date: 26th January 2011
Venue: QM Innovation Centre
Time: 1-5:30 pm

The Graduate Student Review Day provides the PhD students to present their research to the Centre. Each student is expected to give a power point presentation lasting 10 mintutes followed by 5 minutes for questions from the audience. New students ( < 6 months after registartion ) are allocated 5 mins to present their work.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Research Techniques in Biomedical and Life Sciences Course

Subject : Analysis of Protein Expression and Protein Identification
Date: 12th Jan 2011
Timimg: 2- 4:30 pm
Venue: Milton Lecture Theatre (Whitechapel)
Techniques Covered: Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry and Mass Spectrometry

Volunteers needed for Cafe Scientifique!

The next Cafe Scientifique evening is on Thrsday the 3rd of Feb. Volunteers are needed to talk for 10 minutes about their research or anything else that might be of interest to the audience. Please respond to Jo Cordy( if you are willing to participate.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Beer & curry night invitation - from Joy Hinson

Hi all,

Happy New Year!

All PhD students, supervisors and postdocs are invited to a Beer and Curry Night, to be held on Thursday 20th January from 5.30pm in the Old Library, Garrod Building, Whitechapel.
Tayyabs are doing the catering!

See you there.