Monday, 15 February 2010

CAREERS EVENT - All PhD Students and Postdocs

London Biotechnology Network is running a Careers Afternoon on 4th March at QM Innovations Centre, WhiteChapel Campus. It is called 'Careers in Life Sciences: Bench and Business'. For more details have a look at my current blog posting here

As always, a list of all career-related events can be found on the 'Events and Courses' section of my blog. Best Wishes. Tracy

Dr Tracy Bussoli
Careers Adviser for Researchers

9 month report - course

If you registered for your research degree (MPhil/PhD/MDREs) last
Autumn then you need to start thinking about preparing your 9 month
probationary report, which includes a critical evaluation of a method.

Joy Hinson (Dean for Postgraduate Studies) and Julian Ingles
(Langauage and Learning Unit) will be jointly running a workshop on
24th February from 2 to 5pm to help you to prepare for this report.

For more information and sign up for this workshop please contact
Tom Lister (