Monday, 23 November 2009

Research Degree Administration (MDRes/MPhil/PhD)

3:30pm, Monday 23rd November, Lower ground floor lecture theatre(Clark-Kennedy) Innovation Centre.

Do you know the importance of transferable skills training?
Do you know the difference between registration and enrolment?
Do you really know what write-up status means for you?
Do you know our admin processes for research degrees?

Paul Allen will explain the research degree administration required in the Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science! Includes an address from Prof Mike Curtis, Institute Director. Supervisors welcome.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Research Techniques in Biomedical and Life Sciences Course

This course, organised by the Graduate Schools of SMD and the School for Biological and Chemical Sciences, starts again next week.

The subject is DNA Sequencing and Sequence Analysis and will cover DNA sequencing, genomic sequence analysis and methods in population genetics.

The speakers will be Tom Vulliamy (BICMS) and Richard Nichols (SBCS).

The course is aimed at research students and postdocs but is open to anybody else interested in these techniques.

Date: Wed 11th November
Time: 2:00-5:00pm
Location: GO2 Lecture Theatre, Rotblat Building.
Charterhouse Square Campus (nearest tube station, Barbican)